Patent Shoes (2007)

Text by Maria Bregnbak
Finnish artist Tiina Heiska´s work is based on photography, which she uses as a sketch or a draft for the later painted image. Her works carry a poetic mystique owing to the painterly quality but also to the fact that their inherent narrative is never obvious.

À la recherche de l’objet du désir absolu (2006)

Texte: Juha-Heikki Tihinen
L’art de Tiina Heista révèle sa profondeur par touches furtives,  comme pour séduire son observateur. Au premier abord, les œuvres semblent calmes et posées, mais rapidement on y entrevoit un courant ou un mouvement qui produit un sentiment d’excitation et d’anticipation chez l’observateur.

In search of an absolute object of desire (2006)

Text by Juha-Heikki Tihinen
Tiina Heiska’s art reveals its insightfulness furtively, as if seducing the viewer. Her works seem peaceful and arranged at first, but their flow and movement will soon emerge and instil a sense of excitement and anticipation in the viewer.

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