what’s on
HAM Helsinki Art Museum
Bambi Forever! The exhibition presents Raimo and Maarit Huttunen’s donation collection, assembled with passion and long-term vision.
8.3.2024 – 26.10.2025
Gallery Stephan Stumpf
Group exhibition
February 14 to March 29, 2025
Galleria Ama
Ollaan ihmisiksi
Group exhibition
MY Latest News
Me and some of my works at HAM opening party
The body and the universe
– Encounter in Tiina Heiska’s Art
by Henna Paunu
In her paintings, Tiina Heiska depicts the human condition, our contact with ourselves and existence. Systematically and with a firm hand, Heiska constructs a dramatic tension that forces us to consider the origin of the depicted scenes and spaces and our own connection to them.
Henna Paunu